We are pleased to announce Siesta 5.0.1, the first point release of Siesta 5.0.
Siesta 5.0.1 incorporates the following changes:
- Further improvements to the cmake infrastructure:
- Enabled compatibility with shared projects (Note that building SIESTA as a
shared library is not compatible with FLOOK yet).
- Enabled manual integer and real kind especification for MPI interfaces.
- Fixed libhsx name (previously “liblibhsx”).
- Fixed Scalapack/MPI priorities, now CMake will not look for Scalapack if a
serial compilation was asked for.
- Added detection of missing valence PAO:
- When users fail to provide a valence orbital in the PAO.Basis block that
should be occupied, SIESTA will print an error.
- If the shell is empty, SIESTA will print a warning and populate the existing
orbitals accordingly.
- This also includes checks for the presence of semicore states that might be
required by the pseudopotential.
Fixed the fallback mechanism for polarization orbital generation when extra
semicore states are present (“pol_ptr not associated” error).
Further fixes for CODATA standardization in Wannier-related routines.
Added clarifications on Spin magnetic moment definition and units.
Added further clarifications on backwards compatibility for basis set
generation defaults.
Fixed TSHS version determination errors with certain compilers.
Increased robustness for ION file read, without relying on iostat to see
if some piece of information is present in the file.
Fixed SiestaAsSubroutine examples and updated test scripts.
Removed E_bs debug printing.
- Fixed involuntary printing of the output EPSIMG file.