Program for Siesta Tutorial
ZCAM, Zaragoza
June 16-19 2014
There will be “theory” talks in the morning before the coffee break, “how-to” talks before lunch, and “hands-on” sessions in the afternoon.
Speaker's codes:
EA: Emilio Artacho, Nanogune (San Sebastián), and University of Cambridge
MFS: Mariví Fernández-Serra, SUNY at Stony Brook
AG: Alberto García, ICMAB-CSIC, Barcelona
JJ: Javier Junquera, University of Cantabria, Santander
GH: Georg Huhs, Barcelona Supercomputing Center
JS: Jose Soler, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
(Registration: 9.00-9:30)
(AG) 9:30 * Introduction to the role of first-principles calculations
(EA) 10:15 * DFT and general notions about first-principles codes
11:00 Coffee break
(JJ+AG) 11:30 * Examples of practical calculations with SIESTA
(Typical runs and preview of visualizations)
13:00 Lunch
15:00 Practical sessions: Hands-on (including set up in this first one)
(Simple exercises of basic executions and visualizations)
(JS) 9:00 * Overview of the internals of SIESTA
(JJ) 10:00 * Pseudopotentials and basis sets
11:00 Coffee break
(AG) 11:30 * How to generate pseudopotentials
(EA) 12:15 * Overview of basis-set options
13:00 Lunch
15:00 Practical sessions
Hands-on generation and analysis of pseudopotentials and basis-sets.
(JS) 9:00 * More internal details: H, S, grid, k-points
(AG) 9:45 * Solvers: diagonalization, O(N).Newer solvers: OMM, PEXSI
(GH) 10:30 * Parallelization issues (preview)
11:00 Coffee break
(JS) 11:30 * Convergence issues
(GH) 12:30 * Parallel execution
13:00 Lunch
15:00 Practical sessions
Electronic structure examples (with visualization and analysis)
DOS, (fat)band structures, charge density plotting,
bonding analysis...
(EA) 9:00 * Calculation of Forces/Stress — Geometry optimization
(MFS) 9:30 * Molecular Dynamics
(JJ) 10:30 * Phonons
11:00 Coffee break
(JS) 11:30 * Molecular dynamics: brief examples and analysis
(JJ) 12:15 * Phonons: practical issues
13:00 Lunch
15:00 Practical sessions
Variable geometry examples (relaxations, molecular dynamics). Phonons.