SIESTA Tutorial talks
First day
Role of ab-initio calculations
(Alberto Garcia)
DFT and general notions about first-principles codes
(Emilio Artacho)
Second day
Internals of Siesta (1)
(Jose Soler, (1+2))
(Javier Junquera)
Basis sets
(Javier Junquera)
Third day
Internals of Siesta (2)
(Jose Soler, (1+2))
Electronic-structure solvers in Siesta
(Alberto Garcia)
Tools to analyze the electronic structure
(Alberto Garcia)
Parallelization issues
Parallelization issues (talk)
(Georg Huhs)
Parallelization issues (handout)
(Georg Huhs)
RES access protocol
(local copy)
PRACE guide for applicants
(local copy)
Fourth day
Forces and relaxations
(Emilio Artacho)
Molecular Dynamics
(M.V. Fernandez-Serra)
Lattice Dynamics
(Javier Junquera)
More talks with tutorial material can be found in
Javier Junquera's website