- Spin-orbit coupling in Siesta: Magnetism and other capabilities, Barcelona, 20-22 June 2018
Supported by the MaX Center of Excellence
Online Material
- Siesta/TranSiesta School, Barcelona Supercomputing Center, May
23-26, 2017
Supported by the MaX Center of Excellence
Online Material
- TBtrans and TranSiesta Tutorial: Non-Equilibrium Green Functions, from Tight-Binding to Self-Consistency, Barcelona, 9-11 November 2016
Supported by the MaX Center of Excellence
Online Material
- Siesta/TranSiesta Tutorial, Tel Aviv, September 8-11, 2014
Supported by the CECAM node at Tel Aviv University
Online Material
- Siesta Tutorial, Zaragoza, 16-19 June 2014
Supported by ZCAM
Online Material
- 1st Summer School in Theoretical and Computational Chemistry
of Catalonia, Barcelona, 25-29 June 2007
"Introduction to electronic structure calculations using
Organised and supported by the
Xarxa de
Referència en Química Teòrica i Computacional
of the talks and excercises
- Efficient density-functional calculations with atomic
orbitals: a hands-on
tutorial on the SIESTA code, Lyon, 18-22 June 2007
Organized and supported
of the talks and excercises
- Summer school, Cambridge, 15-17 July 2002
"Linear-scaling ab initio molecular
modelling of environmental processes"
Organised and supported by the National Institute for Environmental
eScience in Cambridge (UK).
(local copy)